He Is Going / (Yaşar Nabi NAYIR)

He is going, history will never see his like again:
He is going, but seventeen million people are following!

He is going, the mind cannot hold his infinite might:
He is going, the flag wrapped around his chest.

He is going, tears have formed in his footprints:
He is going, heads and swords are lowered on the ground.
It is going, the mane of that terrifying lion of war:
It is going, the torch of peace that flames on the horizon.
He leads, as if about to open a new age:
He is in the sobbing voices, in the silently flowing tears.

The glory of his soul transcends the mortal flesh,
Paints the grandeur of a setting sun on the horizon.

He is growing, as he descends from the sky to the land:
He is growing, as he departs from our eyes.

Yaşar Nabi NAYIR